Legal Notice


The website (hereinafter the “website”) is published by the public limited company, Mr.Bricolage registered in the Orléans Trade and Companies Register under number 348 033 473 and whose registered office is located at :

1 rue Montaigne

45380 La Chapelle Saint Mesmin.

Tél. : +33 2 38 43 50 00

Publication manager : Christophe Mistou, Directeur Général

Corporate press  :
Anne-Claire Moyer, Mr.Bricolage –
Louise Chaulin – – 07 83 35 96 93

Financial Press & investors :
Marie Calleux, Calyptus – – 01 53 65 68 68


The host of the website is BCS Technologies (Axians – Cloud Services Paris), registered in the Bobigny Trade and Companies Register under number 433 538 683 and whose head office is located at :

32 Rue Delizy

Bâtiment B – Hall 3

93500 PANTIN

Tél. : +33 1 41 83 17 20

General Terms and Conditions of Use

The website is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with the exception of cases of force majeure, IT difficulties, difficulties related to the structure of telecommunications networks and technical difficulties.

The general structure, as well as the software, texts, databases, office documents, animated or still images, sounds, know-how, and all the other elements making up the website are the exclusive property of the company Mr.Bricolage.

Any total or partial representation of the website by any process whatsoever, without the express authorisation of the company Mr.Bricolage is prohibited and would constitute an infringement punishable under articles L. 335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code. It is specified that users are authorised to download the “Mr.Bricolage” logo available on the website However, any total or partial reproduction that does not conform to this logo will also be punishable under copyright law. The user also undertakes to use it for purposes consistent with public order and good morals.

Users and visitors to the website may not set up a hyperlink to the website without the express prior authorisation of Mr.Bricolage.

Mr.Bricolage makes every effort to provide users of the website with available and verified information and/or tools, but cannot be held responsible for errors, lack of availability of information and/or the presence of viruses on the website.

The user of the website is informed that, during visits to the website, a cookie may be automatically installed on his/her navigation software. A cookie is a block of data that does not identify the user but is used to record information relating to navigation. Configuring the navigation software makes it possible to be informed of the presence of the cookie and possibly to refuse it.

Right of access to the computer file

Website users will be able to subscribe to financial information releases. In this context, users of the Site are informed that the personal data, transmitted via the form provided for this purpose, will be processed for the strict purpose of sending the aforementioned press releases.

In this context, in accordance with the amended Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, users of the website may exercise their right to access, rectify or delete their data. For this, users must send their request to: Mr.Bricolage, Communication financière, 1 rue Montaigne, 45380 La Chapelle Saint Mesmin.