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A well-known brand

By joining Mr.Bricolage, you can take advantage of the strong brand image in your catchment area. We are a popular brand with 82% brand recognition (source IFOP April 2023)*, appreciated by our customers and our partners.


*(consumer target) among individuals aged 25 and over residing in urban areas of less than 100,000 inhabitants (awareness score according to the barometric study conducted by IFOP, April 2023).

% brand recognition

2 Objectives

  • Win customer loyalty 
  • Win new customers

Communication, a major focus for the brand

  • National advertising campaigns (catalogues, guides, radio, press, TV spots, posters, internet, etc.).
  • A calendar and promotional plans adapted to the size of your store and its competitive environment.
  • Revitalisation of your point of sale with Mr. Bricolage radio broadcasted in your store and numerous permanent and promotional POS info displays

Regular communication campaigns

Promotional operations (catalogues, POS, etc.) throughout the year, to support you with your sales promotion process. Promotional offers are constantly renewed and reinforced so that they meet the expectations of the customers and the stores.

Radio Campaigns

A sales action plan (catalogues, guides, POS, posters, etc.) adapted to the size of your store, allows you to promote your point of sale throughout the year. Radio remains our main communication channel to grow store traffic for events such as Birthdays, Summer or Autumn. The media system can be supplemented by geo-located TV, press and digital campaigns around points of sale to ensure maximum in-store traffic and grow brand awareness.


Emailing campaigns allow you to regularly inform your customers, especially the most loyal ones, and to send them information, advice and promotions.

See our TV spots !