
50 years of DIY history

Mr.Bricolage was created 50 years ago after combining a dozen independent hardware stores in the Orléans region who came together under the name ANPF : Association Nationale des Promoteurs du Faites-le-vous-même (National Association of DIY Promoters). The network grew rapidly with the increasing number of Mr.Bricolage member contractors. Today, of the 1003 stores that the Group has in France and abroad, nearly ¾ are owned by them. They also own more than 60% of the capital of Mr.Bricolage. The entrepreneurial spirit has therefore been part of our DNA since the beginning.

Mr.Bricolage’s goal is to become the undisputed neighbourhood leader. We want to be useful to our customers, provide them with much more than just products.

To achieve this, we rely on three strong values, the three founding values of our Group :

  • Proximity
  • Helpfulness
  • Solidarity



We are close to our customers geographically but
also close to their needs and always ready to serve them in store. Our stores are on a human scale.





We are a community of supportive entrepreneurs,
working in areas where everyone counts on each other and where others count on us, whether seller, member, craftsman, service provider, partner, manufacturer, head office or warehouse employee.



We value the relationship and the solution more than the transaction. We go above and beyond for our customers to meet their needs and
we don’t stop until we find them a solution by relying on our supportive network.


Our Solidarity Commitment, to add another brick to your home

Mr.Bricolage is committed to the I Loge You and Action Enfance Foundations for the renovation of a pavilion in a children's village in Amilly.

This exciting moment allowed us to accomplish something so important to our Group values.


equipe mr bricolage/ mr bricolage team      equipe employe mr bricolage / Mr bricolage employed team